Thursday, February 21, 2008

About Justajoba

Justajobba has made a return visit. He has crawled out of his scummy hiding place where he has been hiding eversince that girl passenger stated writing about him on the old blog.

Now the scummy little prick has accused me of having no nuts. Well as it happens I was in the old town during the week and had lunch with justajobba and a few of the boys, which incidently extended through to dinner, and I just happened to sneak a pic of justajobbas nuts and here they are for you all to see.

As you can see, they are both there but not quite right.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Yeah i'm back i'm bad and i'm no longer sad ..the little fella came in too work the otherday and said if i didnt post he would rip turners nuts out i waited and waited and waited then i thought ...shit turners got NO nuts ???? so here i am ...fuck i dont even drive a taxi but i'm gunna i just need somebody too give me a shift anyway we are back on line and thats cool ...who knows whats gunna happen from here ...i hear that poor bastard lipgerm as lost his vision..cuz he scrabbed some glasses from me today..i think he sees yellow everywhere he comeon lets post ..who gives a fuck what we talk about ......