Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas
Thanks Harry for kicking off this blog. I'm sure all the drivers appreciate your effort.
I worked my first shift on the phones after being ill on last Friday night. Talk about fucken busy. the busiest night we've had since I've been here and that includes last New Years Eve.
I only got one death threat so I must have done something right. At about 2AM we had about a half hour wait when some guy rings from one of the pubs and insists on knowing my name, so I give him Lipgerms name and then he wants an immediate cab for his girlfriend because she is sick. The last fucken thing I want in one of my cabs is a sick drunk throwing up on such a busy night so I tell him that just because his friend drank so much that it made her sick doesn't qualify her to jump the queue of about 15 people waiting and that the cab would be there in about half an hour. He told me he would be around to the office and shit in the hole he was going to put in my head. I thought that he was pretty imaginative and waited, cringing in my office and the weak cunt didn't turn up.
I hope you all have a Very Happy Christmas and all your dreams come true.


Lip Germ said...

Merry Xmas to you too Turner

justajoba said...

fuck off ya fat cunt